프로그래밍/C# & .NET

WF (Workflow Foundation)

Terry Cho 2010. 6. 29. 10:34
.NET에서 WCF와 함께 관심이 가는 것이 WF (Workflow Foundation)인데 말그대로 프로세스를 그릴 수 있는 프레임웍이다.
BPM,Orchestration 등등의 모든 프로세스를 디자인할 수 있는데,
흥미로운것중의 하나가, 이 WorkFlow 디자인 GUI를 떼어내서 다른 툴에서 쓸 수 있다는 것이다.
즉 Custom WorkFlow Designer를 만들 수 있다는 말씀.(Workflow Designer Re-Hosting)이라고 함.
사실 Mesh up 도구나 SDP의 SDE (Service Development Environment)등을 만들때 이 프로세스 디자이너를 구현하는게 꽤나 복잡한 부분인데, 이를 이용하면 해결할 수 있을듯.



SharePoint 2007 and Workflow

SharePoint 2007 relies on Workflow technology for its packaged workflows, and for custom workflows created with SharePoint Designer 2007 or Visual Studio 2008.

Human Workflow

Workflow provides the underlying tools to support both human and system interaction according to business rules.

Workflow and WCF Services

Seamless integration between Workflow and WCF enables workflows to be exposed as services and to coordinate calls to WCF services.

Coordinating Presentation Flow

Both Windows and web applications can leverage workflows to drive presentation flow.

Workflow Designer Re-Hosting

Applications can host the Workflow Designer to provide a fully customized design experience for developers or business users.