클라우드 컴퓨팅 & NoSQL/VDI

RDP Video redirection

Terry Cho 2010. 6. 22. 13:25

RDP 프로토콜의 문제점중 하나가, 멀티미디어 재생에 대해서 서버에서 렌더링해서 화면을 캡춰해서 내려 보내기 때문에 서버의 CPU 사용량이 높아지고, 화면이 부드럽지 못한 문제가 있다. (Remote Fx이전에..) 이런것을 해결하기 위해서 고안된 기술이 Video redirection이다.

위에가 그 RemoteFx 이전 (RDP 7.1)이전에 Video redirection을 사용하기 전후 데모이다.
RDP Video redirection에 대한 정보는 여기
추가 정보

1)      Is it support H.264 ?

Yes, if the video is being played in WMP (or using MF/DShow, H.264 will be supported). Of course, you do need decoders on the client.

2)      You mentioned that if we don’t have a H.264 decoder we can develop the decoder by using FSDK. In this case do we have to develop codec for both if server side and decoder for rdp client?

FSDK will only use the built-in decoders on system. You can develop a new decoder using MF/DShow though. You only need it where RDP Client is running.

3)      In my understanding video redirection seem like having a dependency in Windows Media Player. So if customer provides streaming service in browser (SilverLight,Flash, Windows Media player plug-in), can it use video redirection?

Any app which uses MF/DShow can use this. Flash and Silverlight have their own playback engines, so they are not supported. Windows Media Player Plugin in IE is supported and it should work be working by default.
