영어로 작성했지만 내용은 쉽습니다.
This is a programming guide for component developer to make a webservice easily.
Technical Standard
This is webservice creation guide for component team.
We will use webservice development standard like this.
Standard IDE is WebLogic workshop 10.3. You can use any IDE that you want. JAX-WS is standard.WebLogic provides eaisest development environment. If you want to find any alternatives, i want to recommend CXF in Apache. It is easily integrated with Spring framework
Here is webservice development restriction for more easy development
- Synchronous WebService Call
You can just use synchronous message exchange pattern. If you want to use async,pub-sub, or queuing etc. Please talk with Application Architect.
- DataTypes in Value Object has a restriction.
Because of we are using JAXB. We have a restriction to use data type in Value Object that is used as parameter or return type of webservice.
Here is list of data type you can use it to define ValueObjectJava Data Types XML Scheme Data Type boolean boolean byte byte double double float float long long int int String string java.math.BigInteger integer java.util.Calendar dateTime
java.util.Data dateTime In addtion you properbly need a use a some of array type. Here is a guide. You have to remember that you cannot use Map or Hashtable data type. You have to covert the types into ArrayList etc.
Java Data Types XML Scheme Data Type java.util.Collection Literal Array java.util.List Literal Array java.util.ArrayList Literal Array java.util.LinkedList Literal Array java.util.Vector Literal Array java.util.Stack Literal Array java.util.Set Literal Array java.util.TreeSet Literal Array java.utils.SortedSet Literal Array java.utils.HashSet Literal Array
Programming Steps
1. Make a ValueObject
Make a ValueObject.You can easily make a ValueObject with datatype decribed above.
You have to use some notation to provide more clarified WSDL generation.
package osp.sample.valueObject;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
@XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @XmlType (propOrder={ "name", "price", "quantity"} )
public class Item { @XmlElement(required=true) String name;
@XmlElement(required=true) int price;
@XmlElement(required=true) int quantity;
public String getName() { return name; }
public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; }
public int getPrice() { return price; }
public void setPrice(int price) { this.price = price; }
public int getQuantity() { return quantity; }
public void setQuantity(int quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; }
- First import java.xml.bind.annotation.* to use JAXB annotation
- specify XmlAccessorType with XmlAccessType.FIELD
- specify XmlType and propOrder. This for sequence of element generated by Java Class.
- Each
of java variable. Specify XmlElement and required=true. This is just
for the Xml parsing performance. If the data type is List or Array. You
don't have to specify XmlElement
2. Create WebService
Create WebService in WebLogic Workshop IDE and implement a Webservice.
package bcho.sample.webservice;
import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebParam; import javax.jws.WebResult; import javax.jws.WebService;
import bcho.sample.valueObject.PurchaseOrder;
@WebService public class OrderWebService {
@WebMethod public @WebResult(name="purchaseOrder")PurchaseOrder addOrder( @WebParam(name="purchaseOrder")PurchaseOrder po)
{ return po; }
- You also import javax.jws.* to use JAX-WS annotation.
- Use @WebService annotation into a class to declare the class is webservice.
- Use @WebMethod annotation into method, the method will be automatically generated "operation" in webserivce.
- Use
@WebResult and @WebParam in return value and parameter. As i mentioned
earlier, please use one result value and one result parameter.
The name of @WebResult and @WebMethod should be equals with ClassName.
3. Run a Test
You can test a webservice in WebLogic Workshop IDE.
4. Package and deploy
- After testing, in WebLogic Workshop . Select a project in Project explorer.
- Click right button of Mouse and select Export.
- Select war in export menu. The *.war file automatically generated.
- Please delpoy the war file into Pilot Project environment (WebLogic Server)
Here is a short tutorial movie of WebService development.
[pilot:JAX-WS based Web Service Programming Guide^WebLogic 10.3 JAX-WS Creation guide.mpeg]
JAXB Development http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs103/webserv/data_types.html#wp223908
JAX-WS WebService Development http://edocs.bea.com/wls/docs103/webserv/jws.html#program_jws_file
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