아키텍쳐 /Security & IDM

Java keystore file

Terry Cho 2013. 9. 27. 00:43

Java KeyStore file에 저장되는 것들


Now that we understand the pieces that make up a key management system, we can look at the topic of key management itself. From an administrative perspective, the primary tool that provides key management for Java 1.2 is the keytool utility. Keytool operates upon a file (or other storage system) containing a set of private keys and certificates for those keys. The keytool file contains a set of entries; each entry may have the following attributes:

  • An alias. This is a name you can use to reference the entity in the database. For example, an alias for my entry might be sdo, or ScottOaks.

  • One or more certificates that vouch for the identity of the entry. These certificates also provide the public key for the entry.

  • Optionally, a private key. If present, the private key can be protected by a password.