클라우드 컴퓨팅 & NoSQL/Hadoop

Hadoop 사용 가능 시나리오

Terry Cho 2012. 6. 7. 21:53


  • Recommendation engines — increase average order size by recommending complementary products based on predictive analysis for cross-selling.
  • Cross-channel analytics — sales attribution, average order value, lifetime value (e.g., how many in-store purchases resulted from a particular recommendation, advertisement or promotion).
  • Event analytics — what series of steps (golden path) led to a desired outcome (e.g., purchase, registration).

Financial Services

  • Compliance and regulatory reporting.
  • Risk analysis and management.
  • Fraud detection and security analytics.
  • CRM and customer loyalty programs.
  • Credit scoring and analysis.
  • Trade surveillance.


  • Fraud detection and cybersecurity.
  • Compliance and regulatory analysis.
  • Energy consumption and carbon footprint management.

Health & Life Sciences

  • Campaign and sales program optimization.
  • Brand management.
  • Patient care quality and program analysis.
  • Supply-chain management.
  • Drug discovery and development analysis.


  • Merchandizing and market basket analysis.
  • Campaign management and customer loyalty programs.
  • Supply-chain management and analytics.
  • Event- and behavior-based targeting.
  • Market and consumer segmentations.


  • Revenue assurance and price optimization.
  • Customer churn prevention.
  • Campaign management and customer loyalty.
  • Call Detail Record (CDR) analysis.
  • Network performance and optimization.

Web & Digital Media Services

  • Large-scale clickstream analytics.
  • Ad targeting, analysis, forecasting and optimization.
  • Abuse and click-fraud prevention.
  • Social graph analysis and profile segmentation.
  • Campaign management and loyalty programs.

From http://www.cloudera.com/why-hadoop/